December 2nd, 2024 Meeting Minutes

Steve Johns, President welcomed those in attendance and on zoom and opened the meeting at 7:05. He introduced the Board and asked that everyone in the room introduce themselves.
The Nominating Committee, Jane, Joe and Terri passed out ballots and read the names of nominees for the Board to those on zoom. They then asked everyone to fill out the ballot and proceeded to collect them and review the chat votes on zoom.
Police Report, Officer Wendy Martin
- Homicide, November 16th - believe it was a targeted attack but no current leads. The murder victim was not from the East End.
- Coffee with the Chief will take place on December 5, at Roselawn McDonalds 7142 Reading Road between 9-9:45. They would like a representative from each neighborhood in the district to attend. Doug Beerck volunteered to represent the EEAC
LeBlond Report, Theresa Miller
- Holiday hours will remain the same as normal hours with the exception of closing at 6:00 on Christmas and New Years Eve.
- Possible upgrades moving forward for this year
- Toy Drive accepting donations through this week - ages 4-12
- If you know any instructors to teach group classes please reach out to LeBlond
School Report, Spencer LSDMC, Riverview Resource Coordinator
- Monna Beckford (Riverview East)
- Riverview East had their annual Thanksgiving dinner - 15 students led the event, serving dinner to the attendees and even made some delicious dishes!
- Raffled off 4 gift baskets - looking forward to next year
- Winter coat drive ends this Friday, December 6th - all items are needed now with the current weather
- Received about 50 coats so far
- Career day Friday December 13th 9:30 - 11am. Looking for speakers to discuss various careers for the students.
- Looking for women’s clothing size L is needed for coat drive
- Saturday, February 8th 11-1 is the Spencer Open House
Treasurer Report, Kathy Schwab
- There were $2,783.33 in expenses; $400 to Mt. Carmel Church; $300 for gas cards for mowing all summer; and the balance to Craig Stanton for reimbursement of fencing materials for Spicer Park. The balance in the EEAC account is $12,941.64. And we just received a $2500 grant check from GCF for the tree plan at Schmidt Field.
NSP Report, Regina Moss
- All the NSP funds have been spent. The report has been filled out and ready to be submitted to the City. She will coordinate with the Treasurer to submit all of the necessary receipts and cancelled checks. Kathy will arrange to get these to Regina this week.
Garden Committee
- Put the garden to sleep
- Applying for grants for next year to make garden improvements
- Want to implement an irrigation system for next year
President’s Report
- Sent a letter to GCWW on the punch list of broken items - everything is done but 2 items which will be done in the spring
- Light Riverside Drive - put up your holiday lights to celebrate the season
- Scheduling Oasis Trail presentation for early next year (not scheduled yet)
- Kemper retaining wall projects (similar to what they have done on Columbia Pkwy)
- Year end wrap-up:
- Spicer Park: cleaned up and built a new fence - still more projects to come but made great progress so far and looking to have a grand opening when the weather is warms up
- East End Day
- Flying Pig
- Tree Planting Plan Grant at Schmidt Field
- Completed application for new grants for ADA access points, Schmidt Field, and bus stop benches, continuing of speed bump inserts
- There are many new projects we’ve not included here - thank you for a great year!
Nominating Committee:
- 22 votes, to the best of our knowledge all are eligible to vote
- 2 abstained
- Slate has been unanimously approved
- 2025 Board:
- Steve Johns, President
- Zach Davidson, VP
- Anna (Schmidt) Middleton, Secretary
- Kathy Schwab, Treasurer
- Regina Moss, NSP Manager
- The new Board was sworn in by Jane Sites of the Nominating Committee.
New Business:
- Walworth tunnel: human waste, trash, etc. left in the tunnel - left in this state this is an impediment to residents and business district
- Looking for committee members - please reach out to nominating committee
- We specifically need a City Liaison
- Communications issues - please reach out to the board if you have not received emails from the East End - we will be going through and vetting emails and adding any new members
MEETING ADJOURNED @ 8PM Zach moved and Joe 2nd.
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