Welcome to the East End
Our Next Meeting is Monday
March 3rd @ 7:00pm EST
All public meetings are one hour and end at 8PM promptly.
– Meeting Agenda –
Approval of Minutes.
Police Report, Officer Martin
School Report, Rebecca Wolf
Rec Report, Taylor Singleton
Treasury Report, Kathy Schwab
Presidents Report, Steve Johns
NSP Report, Regina Moss
3E CDC Report, Matt Ackermann or Nick Motz
Garden District, Kathy Schwab
To Join In-Person Visit:
LeBlond Rec Center
2335 Riverside Drive
Cincinnati OH 45202
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
District Two Police Station
3295 Erie Ave, Cincinnati, OH, 45208
Contact Officer Wendy Martin regarding any concerns. Please leave your details: your name, your district and where you are from in your message. Hours: M-F (6AM -2PM)
Non Emergency issue call: 513-765-1212
Emergency 911
Submit anonymous tips to the CPD Neighborhood Watch:
The Brent Spence Bridge Project is a big undertaking. Take a look at Bridge-Forward and their ideas, research and communications: Bridge-Forward
Great Cincinnati Water Works Riverside Drive Construction
A section of Riverside Drive in the East End neighborhood will close for approximately three months beginning on Monday, June 17, 2024. The closure is necessary to complete installation of a new water supply transmission main and is the third and final phase of a project that began in September 2023.
The closure will begin west of Collins Avenue and move east toward Lumber Street. During this time, through and local vehicle traffic will not be permitted to pass the closure at any time including days, nights, and weekends. Traffic will be rerouted to approach the construction area from the opposite side.
Pedestrian and bicycle access will be maintained, and a detour will be posted for vehicular traffic passing through the area. Trucks will be permitted to use Columbia Parkway during this work.
The construction involves the removal and replacement of a 60-inch diameter transmission main, followed by a full-width repaving of Riverside Drive. It requires a 10-foot-wide by 25-foot-deep trench excavation of the road and large construction. The closure will help ensure the safety of workers, residents, and the public during this work. No interruptions to water service are expected.
If you have any questions, please contact Project Manager, Kyle Buckley at 513-746-5793

East End Garden Committee Information & Resources
Our partners at the Turner Farms Community Garden Program are offering two programs for East End Gardeners. A tree pruning workshop and a Spring Orchard Blitz. The EE Garden Committee is offering two scholarships to the workshop in 2024. To learn more click on the link below. Learn More.
If you live or work in the East End, let's make it a better community. The best way to do this is by getting involved with the association or a committee you feel drawn to. Suppose there's a specific area you would like improved, like safety, traffic, trash, communication, the gardens, or social gathering. In that case, you can join a committee, create a committee and build a team to make it happen. The East End Area Council is looking for volunteers with various abilities and energy levels. There is only so much a few can do, but many can move mountains. Contact Us to Volunteer.
Contact Our Prez — Steve Johns
Do you have a question, suggestion, or looking to become more involved? Contact us through our website by using the link below.

The CARE Homes Initiative is currently renovating single-family homes to provide quality living at an affordable price. We would appreciate your assistance in spreading the word about this initiative and encouraging potential buyers to get in touch with us. The completed property pictures are attached in this notice.
If you know someone who might be interested in this opportunity, please share this information with them. Interested buyers can contact us using the information provided on our website or at housing@cincinnatiport.org. The houses will be listed on MLS if an eligible buyer is not found.

Anaerobic Digestion Facility Project
MSD is designing an anaerobic digestion facility at the Little Miami Wastewater Treatment Plant in the East End/Columbia-Tusculum neighborhoods.
The facility will process waste solids from the Little Miami, Polk Run, and Sycamore Creek treatment plants on the east side of Hamilton County. These solids are currently being landfilled.

Stop Toxic PFAS Exposure: Don’t Let Them Turf Our Cincinnati Parks
For the past 10 years or so, the use of synthetic turf in Cincinnati has exploded. The problem is: synthetic turf contains dangerous chemicals, heats up to dangerous temperatures in the sun, and sheds plastics into our watershed and sewer system, likely raising water and sewer costs for all of us in the long term. Learn More.
Discover Places in the East End

LeBlond Recreation Center
As a growing community, East End is proud to have the LeBlond Rec Center - conveniently walkable from many East End homes & businesses.
Some amenities include: Therapeutic Recreation, a Fully Accessible Playground, NEOS Electronic Playground, and Outdoor Accessible Workout Equipment
Summer Hours:
Monday - Friday: 10am - 7pm
Closed Saturday and Sunday

Riverview East Academy
Riverview East Academy is one of the few schools that serves grades K-12 in one building, forging strong ties to each other and the East End Community.
Riverview East is also one of the few schools that offers specific academic courses for students wanting to attend Nursing or Health Care schools.

Exciting Business District
As a growing community, we know the importance of a safe and walkable business district. We have restaurants, bars, coffee shops, and many boutiques.
Our business district is within walking distance to most East End homes. Bike racks and parking are available off-street.