The Garden Committee requests assistance to CAST YOUR VOTE for the East Ends’ 2024-25 CAPITAL BUDGET REQUEST. The East End neighborhood can apply for up to 3 projects. It is suggested that we have two small (cost-wise) projects and one big item on our wish list. PLEASE FILL OUT THE FORM BELOW!
We have two Scholarships offered to East End Gardeners for the Fruit Tree Pruning Workshop.
To learn more about these upcoming workshops please contact:
Peter Huttinger, Turner Farm Community Garden Program
1) Pruning Workshop
On February 19th there will be a Fruit Tree Pruning Workshop for Home and Community Gardeners hosted by the Hayfields Orchard, along with the Turner Farm Community Garden Program. The workshop will be taught by David Koester, UK Extension Boone County Agent and Hayfield orchardist Marsha Lindner, with the assistance of Peter Huttinger, Turner Farm Community Garden Program.
Fruit Trees: Pruning, Care and Selecting Varieties
Saturday, February 19, 11am - 1pm
Instructor: David Koester, UK Extension Boone County
An onsite demonstration and instruction in pruning fruit trees at the Hayfields Orchard – an orchard with a diverse selection of fruit tree varieties making it is an ideal location for the workshop. This workshop will cover organic practices, including sprays and treatments.
Fee: $25.
Location: Hayfields Orchard, 8835 Old Indian Hill Road, Cincinnati, OH 45243
2) Spring Orchard Blitz
This spring the Common Orchard Project will once again be organizing a “Spring Orchard Blitz” for the East End. This is an orchard maintenance program to help neighborhoods care for their fruit trees. It includes a fruit tree pruning tutorial and a hands-on opportunity to practice your newly learned pruning skills.