April 1st, 2024 Meeting Minutes

Steve Johns, President, opened the meeting at 7:00 by going around the room and on zoom asking everyone for introductions.
He asked if there were any additions to the agenda other than the Coney Island closure that during the introductions was requested to be added to the New Business item
Approval of March meeting minutes - moved by Craig Stanton, seconded by Tom Law - passed unanimously on voice vote
Police Report:
- new officer, Officer Christine Barry 513-979-4480
email is best way to get a hold of Officer Barry - christine.barry@cincinnati-oh.gov
- 1 burglary on Wilmer Ave
- stolen license plates
- 3 theft from auto on Kellogg (all in same night)
- no violent crimes to report
- make sure you are locking your cars, theft from auto is on the rise
School Report:
- no update on the status of Riverview East, proceeding as normal and school will proceed as scheduled for next year
- Literacy event in May
- Graduation May 13
- Budgets have been confirmed for next year
- School is working on stopping student from J-walking
LeBlond Report:
- CRC has a vendor for a towing company to remove vehicles left overnight
- received a complaint from March 16th and 17th about teens who were loud and disruptive (btwn. 11pm- 1am), to confirm, the CRC policy is that there may be no unauthorized use of the property after 11pm. Please call the non-emergency hotline to report any unauthorized individuals or 911 with any emergencies.
Guest Speakers
Duke Energy: Marion Byndon and Todd Bachand
- in clean-up phase of project, all residents should have received mailers with contact info and additional info
- there will be odors (asphalt or moth balls) this is not alarming or hazardous but Duke is doing everything they can to minimize the odors - please contact Duke with concerns
- Duke will remain the property owner of Riverside Dr. property and no talk of future repurposing
- no Saturday workdays, only Monday - Friday
- existing fence will stay up until after clean up for security reasons, once completed, a new type of fencing will likely be put up
- feel free to reachout with any questions or concerns
- Neighborhood project website: duke-energy.com/eastend
Email: EastEnd@etc-online.com
Fulton Yards, Greg Dorr
- active members of 3 East Business District - 2 years in business
- standard operating procedures include cutting off music, one hour before zone variance requires
- liquor license technically ends at 2:30 AM, they end sales at 11:00 PM
Kathy Schwab asked about amplified music provisions in the zoning variance and noted that 36 residents have signed a petition asking for no more outdoor amplified music in the Riverside Drive Business District. She asked if a compromise was possible.
Greg presented the findings from the Fulton Yards Zoning Variance ZH20210106 approved on August 2, 2021, that specifically allows for outdoor amplified music subject to hours and complying to section 909-3 of the Cincinnati Municipal Code regarding sound levels.
Greg indicated that a compromise had been offered in a meeting with then EEAC President Craig Stanton and Vice President Steve Johns back in November of 2023 - to start outdoor amplified music earlier and end earlier. Greg stated that Fulton Yards’ operating procedures are to stop outdoor amplified music at 10:00 PM on weeknights and 11:00 PM on weekend nights. He also asked residents that had concerns about volume or time of outdoor amplified music to send an email to info@fulton-yards.com
Greg thought a resolution to noise complaints was to move the music earlier but Fulton Yards will not be taking the music away as it is a way for them to attract customers
Craig Stanton asked for Fulton Yards to go beyond the November 2023 offering and do more as a good neighbor.
Joe Zimmerman spoke to his experience with the outdoor amplified music and Fulton Yards’ management of it.
Tanya Henderson made a suggestion for more direct management of the outdoor amplified music.
Brendan McAndrews talked about his experiences as a local business owner in the City of Cincinnati and cited some of the specifics of liquor license laws and zoning noise ordinances that apply to such businesses.
Treasurer’s Report
- Kathy reported that there were expenses from the KCB grant of $578.79, and $37.72 from the Urban Agriculture Grant. That amount of $616.51 will be reimbursed to EEAC by both of those grants sometime in June. The balance in our checking and savings accounts is $13,350.81.
- Regina reported that the 2024 budget - $1600 for communication, $1975 for beautification, $3800 for events/community engagement. Half of events/community engagement ($1900) to East End Reunion Picnic. Mr. Childress will continue maintenance efforts of last year ($1175)
Garden Report
- Kathy said Saturday, April 20th, at 2:00PM Turner Farms class at Gateway Gardens
President’s Report
-Mayor’s Zoning Proposal “Connected Communities” - Business District and ¼ mile within will be open to 4-families and no parking requirements
- MSD tree removal at Carrel Street and bike trail detour near Airport
- GCWW Water Line Replacement - Riverside Drive will be closed to all but local traffic from Lumber Ave to Collins Ave starting May 20
- City is planning on installing speed cushions on Riverside Drive near LeBlond
- Sign-up for Flying Pig - $500!
- Spicer Park Plans - replace fence and plantings along Babb Alley underway
- Planning for CBR
New Business:
Save Coney Island - Victoria from Mt. Washington is asking for individuals and council to send a request to not close Coney Island/Sunlight Pool - https://www.saveconeyislanders.com/
Craig Stanton made a motion to adjourn seconded by Joe Zimmerman - approved unanimously by voice vote
Visit: our website at eastendcincy.org for more information.