Welcome to the East End Newsletter

November 7th, 2022 Meeting Minutes

Meeting Minutes – November 7th 2022 The meeting began at 7:13 due to technical difficulties at LeBlond Steve Johns managed the meeting and allowed everyone to introduce themselves at LeBlond and on Zoom. October minutes were approved. Police Report, Officer Albert Brown and Sargent Linda Cellars said please contact her or officer brown for any…

October 3rd, 2022 Meeting Minutes

Meeting Minutes – October 3rd 2022 The meeting called to order at 7:00 PM and ended at 8:04 PM September minutes were approved. Police Report, Officer Albert Brown Please call Officer Brown anytime regarding issues or concerns albert.brown@cincinnati-oh.gov 513-979-4429 Hours: M-F 6-2 Non-Emergency issue call: 513-765-1212 In case of an emergency call: 911 – Report:…

September 12th Meeting Minutes

Meeting Minutes – September 12, 2022 The meeting called to order at 7:00 PM and ended at 7:58 PM August minutes were approved. Police Report, Officer Albert Brown – There was no school report Riverview East Report, Rebecca Wolf – All staffed on teacher, paraprofessional is needed, staffing is needed – In-between assistant principals and…

August 1st Meeting Minutes

Meeting Minutes – August 1st, 2022 The meeting called to order at 7:00 PM and then put on hold because LeBlond was not connected, we all connected at 7:11 PM and ended at 7:44 PM July minutes were approved. Police Report, Officer Butler, Perry Locke and Sgt. Linda – There was no police report however…

City Planning Commission Meeting Friday, August 5, 2022 at 9:00 a.m.

The next regularly scheduled City Planning Commission meeting* will be on Friday, August 5, 2022 at 9:00 a.m. *Note: this meeting will be held entirely virtual via Zoom due to the Administration being informed by the Cincinnati Health Department that Hamilton County has increased its Community COVID-19 classification level to high (Orange). We will evaluate…

July 11th Meeting Minutes

Meeting Minutes – July 11th , 2022 The meeting called to order at 700 PM and ended at 7:44 PM via Vice President, Steve Johns June minutes were approved. Police Report, Officer Perry Locke and Sgt. Linda – There was no police report School Report, Rebecca Wolf – There was no school report Recreation Report,…

Duke Energy Propane Cavern Project Update

The following are questions from the East End Community and answers regarding the Duke Energy Propane Cavern Project. If you have questions and/or safety concerns please contact Duke at: eastend@etc-online.com OR Call 513-287-2130   1. Where are these caverns presently located on your site?  The cavern was mined within bedrock approximately 400′ below ground surface…

June 6th Meeting Minutes

Meeting Minutes – June 6th, 2022 The meeting called to order at 703 PM and ended at 7:49 PM Vice President, Steve Johns May Minutes were approved. Police Report, Officer Perry Locke and Sgt. Linda Sellers stepped in for Officer Butler – 1 auto, 1 breaking and entering, 1 menacing – Crime is very low…

May 2nd Meeting Minutes

Meeting Minutes – May 2nd, 2022 The meeting called to order at 7:05 PM and ended at 8:15 PM April Minutes Approved Police Report, Office Butler – Crime stats, 0 violent crimes, property crime 1 auto thefts, 1 personal thefts – As it gets warmer make sure you don’t keep things in your car. Take…

April 4th Meeting Minutes

Meeting Minutes – April 4th, 2022 The meeting called to order at 7:00 PM and ended at 8:32 PM March Minutes Approved Police Report, Office Butler – Crime stats, 0 violent crimes, property crime 1 auto thefts, 1 personal thefts – As it gets warmer make sure you don’t’ keep things in your car. Take…