April 4th Meeting Minutes

Meeting Minutes – April 4th, 2022
The meeting called to order at 7:00 PM and ended at 8:32 PM
March Minutes Approved
Police Report, Office Butler
- Crime stats, 0 violent crimes, property crime 1 auto thefts, 1 personal thefts
- As it gets warmer make sure you don’t’ keep things in your car. Take them with you.
– Drug Take-Back on April 30th Saturday in Mt Washington (10-2) 6131 Campus Lane
Riverview Report, Rebecca Wolf
- Back from Spring Break
- Winding down 2022 School Year
- Summer Scholars Program
- Phone stolen at school and caught on camera
- Student leadership groups are interested in helping out with community clean-up to help fund prom event
- If anyone is interested in supporting a student for their prom event, contact Rebecca: wolfreb@cpsboe.k12.oh.us
Recreation Report, Oliver Wuensch
- Pool – no updated
- Summer Camps (camps are ½ full) – 5 weeks of outdoor adventure, dates: 6/13, 6/27, 7/11, 8/1, 8/8
- River Trek 12-18 year-old participants, last week of July in canoes/kayaks, opens this month
- Thank you EEAC for the new audio equipment
- Sad to lose Kristen the Service Area Coordinator at LeBlond accepted promotion and moving downtown to work in Business Operations
- Extending walkway from LeBlond along and up to Riverside Will connect from St Rose along the entire
- Looking for staff full-time and summer jobs
- There is ongoing lifeguard training with CRC
Treasurer Report, Jeff Stewart
- Total balance amount in the account $33,341.44
- AIG funds will show in the next report
- Motion, 2nd, accepted.
NSP Report, Regina Moss
- NSP Funds are in, let use this money $7938.
- NSP need to spend by August 31st on Communication, Community Engagement, Beautification
President Report, Craig Stanton
- Collins Avenue is open again but not for long
3ECDC Business Report, Matt Ackermann
- There was no update from the 3ECDC
Bylaws & TIFF, Steve Johns
- March 20th, New draft #17 has been cleaned up: https://www.eastendcincy.com/bylaws/
- There was a lot of back and forth over the latest document but 100% agreed to approve and move forward
* Thank you Steve & Russ for your expertise and time on updating the Bylaws!
East End Neighbors Network, Mary Beth Wilker
- Connecting with local non-profits, have list on the website and will begin having speakers at the public meetings Visit: https://www.eastendcincy.com/neighbors-network/
Old Business:
Flying Pig Marathon, Tim Hinde
- Please volunteer, we need you! We get community money when you volunteer!
New Business:
Neighbor Engagement Committee
- Regina and Craig to plan two community events in the East End.
Motion to Adjourn - 1st & 2nd motion, accepted