March 7th Meeting Minutes


Meeting Minutes – March 7th, 2022

The meeting called to order at 7:00 PM and ended at 8:02 PM

Minutes Approved

Police Report, Office Butler
- Crime stats, 0 violent crimes, 4 auto thefts, 3 personal thefts. Don’t leave visible items in your car.
- Discussion on Collins Ave closing for railroad work for 150 days.
- Steve Johns is going to F/U with DOTE for more info for community.
- Concerns about motorcycle safety and walkers/bikers out in about in the area.
- Bikers riding 3 wide is a concern for

Riverview Report, Rebecca Wolf
- In need of a new crossing guard position
- Planning for summer, heading into testing season
- Excited about field day at LeBlond!!

Recreation Report, Oliver Wuensch
- New audio equip is almost complete and we should be live next month!
- Partnering with Riverview East for field day this year.
- Summer Camps enrollment open – 5 weeks of outdoor adventure, dates: 6/13, 6/27, 7/11, 8/1, 8/8
- River Trek - 12–18 year-old participants, last week of July in canoes/kayaks, opens this month
- Gym is closed, the floor is being worked is under construction now
- Pool - recruiting lifeguards with goal of pool opening
- Garden Bed in community garden
- Extending walkway from LeBlond along and up to Riverside
- Composting is going well

Treasurer Report, Jeff Stewart
- Paid Constant Contact, Zoom and Simptec bills
- Received $7,638. in from NSP
- Total balance amount in the account $33,768.
- Motion, 2nd, accepted.

NSP Report, Regina Moss
- Money in from NSP
- NSP need to spend by August 31st on Communication, Community Engagement, Beautification

President Report, Craig Stanton
- Oasis Trail - still in planning and no info yet.
- Walworth Ave Opening?  NOT opening Hoff and Walworth.
- Reminder of Flying Pig still need for volunteers.

3ECDC Business Report, Matt Ackermann
- 3ECDC applied for 2022 NBSG Grant

Bylaws & TIFF, Steve Johns
- New draft is out on website:
- Map/boundaries updated
- Membership form vs fee
- Removed NSP from officers it was a mistake.

Compassion Committee is now East End Neighbors Network, Mary Beth Wilker
- Define purpose and need
- Looking for volunteers please contact

Old Business
- Jeff Surd still available to help with any WalCats needs on Walworth with buildings going up.
- Oasis Trail - Walworth residents would like to be involved when the time comes for input

New Business
- Zach Davidson - wants the board back at LeBlond

Motion to Adjourn - 1st & 2nd motion, accepted