July 10th, 2023 Meeting Minutes

The meeting called to order at 7:00 PM and ended at 7:55 PM
- The June minutes were accepted.
Police Report, Officer Rice
- Officer Jason Rice is our new community officer, he has been in district two for 15 years
- 4 Assaults, 2 Burglaries, autos and boat thefts, menacing, phone harassment
- There are homeless camps on Riverside Drive, officer Rice is working with outreach programs on removing them
- there was a bombing harassment at Lunken airport
Organization Updates
- There was no Duke Energy or Water Works updates
- Steve Johns and Michael Bolan met with MSD and plan to request more details on the MSD project
Treasurers Report: Kathy Schwab
- There were four expenses totaling about $4.5K leaving a balance in both checking/savings accounts of $20K
- Cleaning up the bus stops, adding trash cans and dog poop bags in the park
- The treasurers report was accepted
Presidents Report: Craig Stanton
- Meeting minute details that were not accepted, is because of all the people who overtalk while a person is speaking takes background noise at LeBlond. This overtalking makes documenting the minutes unclean.
- Craig met with Richard Spicer and he has said yes to a park on Setchell Avenue who has been promised a parcel from the city to honor his mother. Next steps the EEAC will work with the city.
- There was continued parking discussion and angry residents, specifically Joe Zimmerman about the Babb Alley parking, Garden parking and Wenner parking. There is still confusion about the parking plan that was accepted.
- If there are litter concerns, please call #311
- Richard Spicer said, Thank You for the East End party that was organized for the community.
NSP Report: Regina Moss
Regina reported we spent some money in community engagement and communications. The report was submitted and we are following the guidelines and have $2,300. left.
Recreation Report, Taylor Singleton
- Planning for Fall
- Please come to the pool they are checking stats — so please come to keep it a priority for the East End
- A community member is wanting new picnic tables at Schmidt field
- The Rec Center Closes at 7PM in the Summer
- Ivy Thompson via Regina Moss invites you to the Pendleton is hosting the national night out on Tuesday August 8th
There was no business report
Gardens, Peter Huttinger
- Gardens are in and have lots of harvesting
- Joe is catching ground hogs and Thank you Fred White and family for mowing the lawn
The meeting was adjourned at 8:01.
Visit: our website at eastendcincy.org for more information.